Think, Don't Mash! Part 5: This Works for Everybody, I Swear!
In our journey through the series so far, I’ve used Chun-li as my example character. I believe that the concepts the videos go over are universal and surprisingly straightforward. Who would argue that learning a complex skill bit by bit doesn’t make sense? However, people (very understandably) wanted to see more concrete examples of the process. I mention in my blog post about part three that you should never blindly trust someone, and they need to provide evidence that their ideas are effective. I showed that you can see success at beginning levels of play using a small handful of moves with Chun-li, but how do you know that Chun-li isn’t just uniquely suited to this approach and it wouldn’t fall apart with other characters?
The two most common questions I’ve gotten are “Which moves would you use for (insert character here)?” and “Does this work for (insert character here)?” Part 5 is a direct result of that feedback. In this video, I randomly selected a new character, went into training mode to work out my five(ish) moves, and then took them online with the goal of getting roughly as far as I did with Chun-li. To be as transparent as possible, in addition to the edited/narrated video for Part 5 proper, I put up the unedited footage of the entire process from start to finish so that you can see what happened every step of the way.
One last thing: while applying the process to a new character is a good start, I’m going to do it at least one more time with yet another new character. I won’t make a properly edited video, but I will stream it and then afterward put up the unedited footage on the YouTube channel afterwards.